Getting Your Brand Twitter Verified: Things You Need to Know 

Twitter is one of the leading social media platforms with 396.5 million active users. Many leading brands are using Twitter to stay on top of the latest trends and share valuable information quickly with their followers. 

The information carries more weight if the brand’s Twitter account is verified. A verified Twitter account carries a small blue check mark next to its username. 

This means that the account is authentic and active. 

However, Twitter recently launched a blue tick subscription program that is creating confusion and chaos in the industry. 

In this article, we aim to clear that for you and help your brand achieve industry leadership with Twitter verification. 

The History of Twitter Verification 

The official Twitter verification was launched in 2009 as a response to prevent celebrity impersonation. Some popular complaints came from Hip Hop artists Kanye West and Former St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa – both sued the company over alleged Twitter accounts impersonating to be them and spreading false information. 

In the start, Twitter verification was only allowed to famous artists, athletes, celebrities, public officials, and agencies. The system was extended to the general public in 2016. 

The blue tick can be considered a security feature that prevents Twitter users from consuming misleading information. It is viewed as a status symbol because verified accounts carry a large following. 

Why Should You Get Your Twitter Account Verified? 

At first glance, the Twitter verification mark does not seem like having a huge impact. However, getting your brand’s Twitter account verified has many considerable benefits. 

Develop Brand Authority 

The most compelling perk of Twitter verification is developing brand authority. The potency of your reach increases significantly when your account carries a blue check mark. It deems that the information you are sharing in your Twitter profile is verified and authentic. This also distinguishes your account from other fake profiles that may or may not exist. 

Increase Stability 

Social media is a vulnerable place for every user. Especially businesses have a lot at stake, including their reputation. Twitter verification serves as a valuable measure to determine authority and credibility. This system makes the information you are sharing valuable from the first point. 

Access Analytics 

The effectiveness of your Twitter campaigns can be enriched by leveraging analytics. The native analytics of Twitter is on par with some advanced social listening tools. 

The native analytics of Twitter is helpful to access critical data that cannot be found otherwise. Moreover, Twitter analytics is available for free, there is no need to pay for any monthly subscriptions. Brands have to upgrade their account to a business profile. 

Collaborate With Influencers 

Influencer marketing is the biggest trend now. Nearly every brand is collaborating with some kind of influencer for promotional activities. 

The top influencers in the industry tend to be selective about the brands they work with. Having a Twitter verification makes your brand recognizable and stands out from the competition. You can develop a deeper connection with influencers by verifying your profile. 

What is the Twitter Blue Verification Program? 

Elon Musk took over Twitter last month by paying 44$ billion. He subsequently made several changes to transform the social platform. One of them is introducing the Twitter Blue verification program that allows users to get a blue check mark for $8 a month. 

Industry experts say that this decision was announced to shore up Twitter’s revenue and find new investment opportunities. Elon Musk also tweeted that the revenue from the new blue program would fund creators. 

Does Your Brand Need Twitter Verification? 

As of this writing, The Twitter Blue Program promises many new perks for users. These features will be made available to users when they subscribe to the monthly program. The existing Twitter accounts that got vintage verification have to pay for the blue tick if they want to continue the verification. 

Once you get your brand’s Twitter account verified, the tweets will get higher placement in searches and replies. The accounts also get 50% fewer ads on their account. A notable perk of verification is the feature to upload longer videos. 

More importantly, users can upload their NFTs as profile pictures to showcase their authority in the industry. 

Get Your Account Verified Today 

The new and improved blue tick verification program boasts many beneficial features. If you are a brand looking to step ahead of the competition and achieve higher sales revenue, you need an authentication system to place yourself as an industry leader. 

The Twitter Blue Verification program can enable you to use these features for a reasonable $8 per month. It also carries some old features that are essential to optimize your Twitter marketing campaigns. 

Hence, make sure to hire a Twitter verification agency to get your brand’s profile verified effectively.